Hey Writers! This weekend I’m presenting another workshop for YOU, on a topic that has played a big role in my writing life: critiquing. I’ve had the great pleasure of working with some amazing people over the years and now I’m excited to talk about why critiquing is important, how to give a good critique, how to receive them graciously, where to find critique groups and partners, and how to have a successful critique relationship. But my main goal is to introduce you to other writers so with any luck, you’ll leave with a critique partner or group of your very own!
Here is the information to attend. Please make sure to RSVP as there are a limited number of seats. I hope to see you there!
Date: Sunday, December 7, 2014
Start Time: 2:00 PM
End Time: 4:00 PM
Description: Are you ready to take your fiction to the next level? Learn how to improve your writing by giving and receiving critiques. Plus, connect with others during this session for the chance to form a critique partnership or group. Please bring 5 copies of one page of your work-in-progress for group feedback.
Library: Old Town Library, Fort Collins, CO
Location: Community Room Combo
Registration Ends: 12/6/2014 at 5:00 PM